Antara Raja, Menteri, Negara, dan Rakyat...

A really sharp article from Dr. Asri on apparent hypocrisies that all of us Malaysian know so well but yet nobody has the guts to say something about because of the political/legal repercussion that might befall. Finally, here comes MAZA with the much needed guts and conviction that

Tanggungjawab di hadapan Allah lebih besar daripada segala-galanya.
But the big question is, do these people, those directed in his article (but not all of them obviously), have the capacity to think wisely and the guts to do the right thing, or maybe they just don't have the cpacity to think at all! Or maybe some of them are just born with inherent genetic abnormalities with the tendency to only prioritize about getting their pockets and bellies bloated.



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